황제택경(黃帝宅經)의 문헌적 연구

A philologicalStudyonHuangdizhaijing(黃帝宅經)

  • 투고 : 2009.10.15
  • 심사 : 2009.12.23
  • 발행 : 2009.12.30


This study was to analyze the philological character of Huangdizhaijing(黃帝宅經). Huangdizhaijing is a first stage scriptures of YangzhaiFengshui(陽宅風水) which is the firstly mentioned book in Sikuquanshu(四庫全書). Huangdizhaijing is an obligatory book to read to understand the palace of ancient dynasty as well as general housing of people. Huangdizhaijing measured housing conditions divided into Yangzhai(陽宅) and Yinzhai(陰宅). The contents succeeded traditional Yangzhaiguan(陽宅觀) which values direction(方向) and Jiri(吉日). Thatis, classifying Yangzhai into 24 directions based on Qi of YinYang(陰陽之氣) theory, general contents of Huangdizhaijing explains regulatory rules and propitious day in accordance with the Yangzhai mathematical principles and archaeology through Jixiongshenshalun(吉凶神煞論). Huangdizhaijing includes the kernel of understanding the chinese architect system and housing culture because it describes close reciprocal influences between man and house. It seems that the author of Huangdizhaijing is not the emperor but he was represented by descendants who systemized the idea of Huangdizhaijing in Yangzhai shu(陽宅書). Being there many of documents presented by emperor like Huangdineijing(黃帝內徑), It is counted that the reason of the representing emperor is to show off its origin has long and authoritative history. It seems that the preserved period of writing Huangdizhaijing is Tang(唐) dynasty, but counting that various Yangzhaishu prevailed, Huangdizhaijing's contents has much in common with Dunhuangben(敦煌本), and it valued Menfazhidu(門閥制度) of Weijinnanbeichao(魏晉南北朝) dynasty, the many of the contents of Huangdizhaijing should be formed before Tang dynasty. The exiting editions of Huangdizhaijing could be divided into generally 8 kinds:(1) Zhengtongdaocangben(正統道藏本) (2)Yimenguangduben(夷門廣牘本) (3)Jindaimishuben(津逮秘書本) (4)Shuofuben(說?本) (5)Gujintushujichengben(古今圖書集成本) (6) Sikuquanshuben(四庫全書本) (7)Xuejintaoyuanben(學津討原本) (8)Dunhuangben(敦煌本).



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