정보기술 e-서비스품질의 평가특성이 이용자 지각과 이용의도에 관한 연구

A Study on the Effect of evaluation characteristics of Information Technology e-Service Quality on usage perception and intention

  • Kim, Yong-Beom (Dept. of Business Administration of Chungju National Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


Recently the information system introduction and the application which use the computer are increasing. The efficient operation of information system helps corporations to improve productivity, customer service and corporate competitive power. SaaS(Software as a Service), which is the developed type of outsourcing in the area of information technology, is to use standardized and packaged application by hosting from the outside of enterprise. SaaS is not developed yet as much as people's interest about that in the initial stage, but its related technology and service capacity are accumulated after repeated trial and error, and it's ready to activate the industry. In the area of information system, studies on the measurement of service quality were followed. But there is little study on service quality measurement in the field of SaaS(Software as a Service). The purpose of this study was to divides the SaaS with e-SERVQUAL and it consider the relationship with the perceived recognition and the usage intention. According to this, variables of traditional research were rejected because SaaS is not developed yet in Korea. But information had a strong effect on perceived recognition. Therefore, business related with in SaaS must have provided a correct information about various applications.



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