A Case Study on the Scheduling for a Tube Manufacturing System

튜브 제조 시스템의 생산 스케줄링 사례연구

  • Yim, D.S. (Dept of Industrial and Management Engineering, Hannam University) ;
  • Park, C.H. (Korea Nuclear Fuel) ;
  • Cho, N.C. (Korea Nuclear Fuel) ;
  • Oh, H.S. (Dept of Industrial and Management Engineering, Hannam University)
  • Published : 2009.09.30


This paper introduces a case study for efficient generation of production schedules in a tube manufacturing system. The considered scheduling problem consists of two sub problems : lot sizing for a job and Job sequencing. Since these problems require simulation optimization in which the performance measures are obtained by simulation execution, the trade-off between solution quality and computation time is an important issue. In this study, the optimal lot size for every product type is determined from simulation experiments. Then, target production quantity for each product type is transformed to several jobs such that a Job consists of determined lot size. To obtain the good solution for a Job sequence in a reasonable time, a number of alternatives are generated from heuristic rules developed by intuition and analysis of the considered system, and a job sequence is selected from simulation experiments.



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