Effects of 3 mg·kg-1 Caffeine Ingestion during Exercise on Fluid-Electrolyte Balance and Tympanic temperature changes in the Heat

고온 환경에서 3 mg·kg-1의 카페인 섭취가 운동 시 체액, 전해질 균형 및 외이온의 변화에 미치는 영향

  • Received : 2009.01.30
  • Accepted : 2009.02.25
  • Published : 2009.03.31


This study aims to find out the effect of ingestion of 3 mg·kg-1 caffeine on fluid-electrolyte balance and Tty change during exercise under heat environment of 30~32℃ (40-50% humidity). Five trained males who routinely trained for approximately 60 min·d-1, 3-6 d·wk-1 (age; 28.20±3.56yrs, height; 174.56±5.46 cm, body mass; 76.13±9.02 kg, body fat(%); 14.24±3.99, VO2max; 54.00±4.30 mL·kg-1·min-1, exercise career; 4.20±1.95yrs) performed 40min of treadmill running in heat chamber. The study was a double-blind, randomized, crossover design. Body mass change following exercise was higher for the PLAC (Placebo) and CAFF (Caffeine) in comparison to the CON (Control), there was no significant difference between the CAFF, PLAC, CON (p= .997). The Usg not significant differences (p= .731) and Osmurine not significant differences between the CAFF, PLAC, CON (p= .901). There also were not significant between the CAFF, PLAC, CON for [Na+]urine and [K+]urine (p= .928, p= .469). In the case of Tty, although the increase rate of Tty was the highest for the CAFF on exercise early, exercise the second half in comparison to the CON and PLAC, there was not significant interaction effect between the CAFF, PLAC, and CON of Tty (p= .067), In conclusion, it was confirmed that the 3 mg·kg-1 caffeine ingestion prior to exercising in heat environment does not impart negative effect on body fluid, electrolyte balance and changes in Tty.
