요양병원 간병비 지급이 건강보험 진료이용량에 미치는 영향

Is the amount of the medical care utilization affected by the cash benefits for patients in the geriatric hospital?

  • 강임옥 (국민건강보험공단 건강보험정책연구원 장기요양연구실) ;
  • 한은정 (국민건강보험공단 건강보험정책연구원 장기요양연구실) ;
  • 이정석 (국민건강보험공단 건강보험정책연구원 장기요양연구실)
  • Kang, Im-Ok (Research Center of Long-term Care, National Health Insurance Corporation) ;
  • Han, Eun-Jeong (Research Center of Long-term Care, National Health Insurance Corporation) ;
  • Lee, Jung-Suk (Research Center of Long-term Care, National Health Insurance Corporation)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Korean Government had performed three pilot programs to introduce the long term care insurance system. Persons aged 65 or older who are dependent on others for daily living could use long term care services in the pilot program. The long-term care insurance covered nursing home services, home care services and cash benefits. The cash benefits are included that for elderly at home and for patients in geriatric hospital. This study investigated whether there had been any change in the medical care utilization according to cash benefits for geriatric hospitalization. This study used National Health Insurance claims and Long term Care Insurance claims 2003 through 2006. Data were composed of subjects who undertook both insurance coverage. The subjects was divided into two groups. Case group included participants with the cash benefits of geriatric hospitalization. Control group included persons without the cash benefits selected by random sampling according to the distribution of case group. This study showed that the amount of medical care utilization of the case group is more significantly increased than the control group after adjusted their health condition and functional condition. This result will be helpful for making decisions on whether the cash benefit of geriatric hospitalization can be introduced into long term care insurance system.



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