The Study on national crisis management and bioethics

국가위기관리와 생명윤리

  • 류화신 (충북대학교 법학전문대학원)
  • Published : 2009.06.30


This paper examines some relations on national crisis management and bioethics. This study stars to discuss that chance and risk of biotechnology which is the 21st century's pioneering core technology. This study reviews the traditional method that a nation(law) copes with the new scientific technique. The study also examines some difficulties of social agreement on the problems of bioethics because of nature of the rational disagreement. Then this paper attempts to incorporate the crisis of biotechnology, especially bioethics, in the system of national crisis management. this paper reviews the contents of the domestic "Act on Bioethics and Safety" on the side of the protection and restoration of crisis management. And this paper proposes some changes to manage the crisis of bioethics better, as it were, some problems of IRB and schems for improvement of it.



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