The purpose of this study is to identify which is the better indicator to forcast housing tenureship between permanent income and current income, and study the effects of non-human capital asset on housing tenureship. To forcast permanent income, a statistic regression equation is used with current income as the dependent variable. Multi-nomial logistic model is used to forcast the housing tenureship Using current income as the dependent variable delivered a more accurate result than using permanent income. Current income is used as a dependent variable and sex, age, education and occupation are used as independent variables to forcast permanent income. Non-human capital asset is also used as an independent variable. Also, excluding non-human capital asset variable when forcasting bothe permanent income and housing tenureship proved to be more accurate. Because permanent income, the sum of future income and current asset, is a good indicator of current consumption including housing, the result with permanent income should be more accurate than the forcast using current income. This implies an underdevelopment of a housing mortgage system that enables people to consume now on the basis of their future income. The Korea's unique Chonsei housing rental system has also made it difficult to forcast housing tenureship based on people's permanent income and asset. While, the Key-money of Chonsei housing and the housing asset of homeowners with debt are very similar in their amount, the result is completely different. One is a renter and the other is a homeowner.