E. H. Gombrich 관점을 통해 관찰한 관념의 재현으로서의 Hussein Chalayan 작품 연구

A Study on the Works of Hussein Chalayan as a Representation of Idea from the Perspective of E. H. Gombrich

  • Yun, Ji-Young (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.07.31


This study is on the works of Hussein Chalayan that is an expression of his idea and abstract concepts such as culture, history, time, space, nature, and humanity. The perspective of E. H. Gombrich is studied to understand the works of Chalayan who is the one of representative fashion designers in the present age. The 'schema and correction' process of E. H. Gombrich provides a suitable interpretation frame that considers the variety of works of art and the deconstruction of genre in the after 20th century. Hussein Chalayan attempts to combine clothes with other territories to show the spirit as materiality. He expresses the clothes that speaks the form of nature, symbolizes the combination of culture, visualizes time and space, and investigates the existence of human beings. Hussein Chalayan poses an endless question about the existence of human beings. He has put a question about the relationship of the human being and time, space, history, and nature. His trial to visualize the metaphysical conception of 'ego' and 'self' through his works makes him the representative designer of the 21st century.



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