Development of Door Trim Assembly System base on Digital Manufacturing Technology

디지털 제조기술 지원 도어트림 조립시스템 개발

  • 박홍석 (울산대학교 기계자동차공학부) ;
  • 문시환 (울산대학교 자동차선박기술대학원) ;
  • 박상길 (울산대학교 자동차선박기술대학원) ;
  • 최홍원 (울산대학교 기계기술연구소) ;
  • 신상종 (현대자동차 생산개발총괄본부) ;
  • 차석근 ((주)에이시에스)
  • Published : 2009.08.31


Nowadays, manufacturing industry has been making its effort not only for productivity elevation but also for cost reduction in order to survive in the global market which is more and more challenging. In this paper, the method for planning of digital manufacturing system is proposed and door trim assembly system is determined as the subject of our research. First of all, the process sequence is generated based on the product analysis. And, the static and dynamic relationships between system components are represented using IDEF0 and UML model. The working time is estimated through the regression analysis based on MODAPTS method. According to the system configuration strategy, initial concept system layout is implemented 3D virtual environment. The problems caused by bad working motions are detected and modified through the ergonomic analysis using RULA method. According to proposed procedure, digital door trim assembly system is implemented in DLEMIA.



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