Quality Control Probes for Spot-Uniformity and Quantitative Analysis of Oligonucleotide Array

  • Jang, Hyun-Jung (Institute for Genomic Medicine, GeneIn Co., Ltd) ;
  • Cho, Mong (Departments of Internal Medicine, Pusan National University, Medical School) ;
  • Kim, Hyung-Hoi (Departments of Laboratory Medicine, Pusan National University, Medical School) ;
  • Kim, Cheol-Min (Institute for Genomic Medicine, GeneIn Co., Ltd, Departments of Biochemistry, Pusan National University, Medical School) ;
  • Park, Hee-Kyung (PANAGENE Inc.)
  • 발행 : 2009.07.31


Quality control QC for spot-uniformity is a critical point in fabricating an oligonucleotide array, and quantification of targets is very important in array analysis. We developed two new types of QC probes as a means of confirming the quality of the uniformity of attached probes and the quantification of targets. We compared the signal intensities and fluorescent images of the QC and target-specific probes of arrays containing only target-specific probes and those containing both QC and target-specific probes. In a comparison of quality control methods, it was found that the arrays containing QC probes could check spot-uniformity or spot defects during all processes of array fabrication, including after spotting, after washing, and after hybridization. In a comparison of quantification results, the array fabricated by the method using QC probes showed linear and regular results because it was possible to normalize variations in spot size and morphology and amount of attached probe. This method could avoid errors originating in probe concentration and spot morphology because it could be normalized by QC probes. There were significant differences in the signal intensities of all mixtures (P<0.05). This result indicates that the method using QC probes is more useful than the ordinary method for quantification of mixed target. In the quantification of mixed targets, this method could determine a range for mixed targets of various amounts. Our results suggest that methods using QC probes for array fabrication are very useful to the quality control of spots in the fabrication processes of quantitative oligonucleotide arrays.



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