Rheological Properties of Cooked Noodles with Different Starch Content Using Tensile Tests

  • Kim, Su-Kyoung (Department of Food Science and Technology, Dongguk University) ;
  • Lee, Seung-Ju (Department of Food Science and Technology, Dongguk University)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


Several rheological terms were introduced to estimate the properties of cooked noodles with different starch content using tensile tests. Ring-shaped specimens were prepared by connecting both ends of the noodle strip before cooking. Hencky strain and rate, as well as true stress were applied in constant deformation tests. The elastic region on the curves of strain vs. stress was not clearly identified. Strain hardening in the subsequent plastic region was more prominent in low-starch noodles. Elongational viscosities at lower strain rates were used to differentiate noodles with different starch content, representing the dominant effect of protein content in the range of lower strain rates. In stress relaxation tests, the reciprocal of Peleg's constant $K_1$ (initial decay rate) and $K_2$ (asymptotic level) increased and decreased respectively, with an increase in starch content. This indicated that addition of starch contributed to the noodles becoming viscous liquid rather than elastic solid.



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