Optimization of Extraction Conditions for Total Phenolics from Sapium japonicum Using a Pressurized Liquid Extractor

  • Kim, Mi-Bo (Department of Food Bioengineering, Jeju National University) ;
  • Park, Jae-Sung (Department of Food Bioengineering, Jeju National University) ;
  • Lim, Sang-Bin (Department of Food Bioengineering, Jeju National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


Sapium japonicum was extracted by a pressurized liquid. Operating parameters such as the type and the ratio of solvent to water, temperature, pressure, and number of extractions were investigated as the main variables that influence the extraction efficiencies of total phenolics (TP). MeOH extracted the highest level of TP as 50.4 mg GAE/g compared to 48.8 and 27.2 mg GAE/g with $H_2O$ and EtOH, respectively. $EtOH:H_2O$ (40:60, v/v) was found to be the best solvent for TP extraction as 90.3 mg GAE/g compared to 85.0 and 84.3 mg GAE/g in 40:60 and 60:40 of $MeOH:H_2O$, respectively. TP were increased with the increase of the number of extraction steps. TP content was increased by 11% as the extraction temperature was increased from 40 (97.4) to $50{\circ}C$ (108.3 mg GAE/g). The optimum extraction conditions of TP were; extraction solvent, $EtOH:H_2O$ (40:60, v/v); temperature, $50{\circ}C$; pressure, 10.2 MPa; 2 extraction steps.



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