Characterization and Functional Properties of an Oat Gum Extracted from a Drought Harvested Oat (Avena sativa)

  • Published : 2009.08.31


An oat gum was extracted from whole seeds of a drought harvested oat (Avena sativa). Oat gum presented a ${\beta}-glucan$ content of 65%(w/w) and an intrinsic viscosity of 141 mL/g. Gelling capability of oat gum at different concentrations was investigated. Gel hardness increased from 0.08 to 0.25 N as the oat gum concentration changed from 5 to 10%(w/v). Whippability, foam stability, emulsion stability, and reduced viscosity of oat gum at different pH were also investigated. Oat gum whippability was maximum at pH 7 (146%), while the higher foam and emulsion stability values were found at pH 9 (88 and 96%, respectively). The gum reduced viscosity increased from 715 to 958 mL/g as the pH changed from 7 to 9. Oat gum shows great potential as a gel forming, thickening, and stabilizing agent.



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