한국의 개 심장사상충 유병율에 대한 메타분석

Meta-analysis of the Prevalence of Canine Heartworm Infection in Korea

  • 박선일 (강원대학교 수의학부 (대학) 및 동물의학연구소)
  • Pak, Son-Il (School of Veterinary Medicine and Institute of Veterinary Science, Gangwon National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


본 연구에서는 개 심장사상충을 관리하기 위한 기초연구 자료를 확보하기 위하여 1996-2007년 동안 국내에서 발표된 논문 중 총 14편 (자충검사 1,790건, 성충에 대한 ELISA 항원검사 3,277건)의 자료에 근거하여 주요 위험 요인별 자충과 성충의 항원검사에 의한 유병율을 추정하였다. 자료분석을 위하여 일반견 (pet dog)과 군견 (military dog)을 별도로 분석하였다. 일반견에서 현성유병율은 자충검사 11.7% (183/1,563), 항원검사 16.5% (379/2,302)로 항원검사에서 유의하게 높았으나 (p < 0.001) 두 검사 모두 성별에 따른 유병율의 차이는 없었다. 2000년 이전과 비교할 때 2000년 이후 자충검사와 항원검사에 의한 유병율은 2.5%에서 13.1%, 9.9%에서 20.3%로 각각 증가하였다 (p < 0.001). 항원검사에 의한 유병율은 2세 이하 5.0% (n = 701), 2세 이상 20.7% (n = 1,003)로 연령이 증가함에 따라 유병율이 증가하는 경향을 보였으며 (p < 0.001), 실외견 (37.9%)이 실내견 (3.4%)에 비하여 유병율이 유의하게 높았다. 한편 군견의 경우 유병율은 자충검사 38.3% (87/227), 항원검사 38.5% (375/975)로 일반견에 비하여 유의하게 높았으며 (p < 0.001), 잠복감염율은 일반견 37.5%, 군견 66.7%로 나타났다.

The purpose of this meta-analysis was to collect data from the literatures reporting prevalence of canine heartworm (HW) infection in an effort to emphasize the preventive importance of the disease and to serve as baseline data for further studies related to the disease management. Fourteen studies regarding the prevalence of HW infection published during the 1996-2007 were identified using the meta-analytic approach, involving a total of 1,790 cases by microfilarial test and 3,277 cases by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) antigen test for adult worms. Data analysis was performed separately for pet and military dogs. The overall apparent prevalence of HW infection in pet dogs by microfilarial test and ELISA was 11.7% (183/1,563) and 16.5% (379/2,302), respectively (p < 0.001). No significant difference in prevalence by microfilaria and ELISA was observed between sexes whether assessed by data separately or pooled together. Compared to before 2000, the prevalence by microfilaria after 2000 has increased from 2.5% to 13.1% (p < 0.001), and the rate of adult worm has also increased from 9.9% to 20.3% (p < 0.001). The prevalence determined by ELISA was found to increase with age: 20.7% (n = 1,003) of dogs older than 2 years were positive, compared with 5.0% of dogs (n = 701) under 2 years of age (p < 0.001). Also, outdoor dogs showed significantly higher prevalence than indoor dogs (37.9% versus 3.4%; p < 0.001). For military dogs, the overall prevalence was 38.3% (87/227; 95% CI, 32.1 - 44.7%) by microfilarial test and 38.5% (375/975; 95% CI, 35.4 - 41.6%) by ELISA. This rate was significantly higher than that of pet dogs (p < 0.001). Occult infection rate of 37.5% and 66.7% was found in pet and military dogs, respectively.



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