산업용 듀얼 암 로봇(AUTOMAN)의 기구해석 및 제어

Kinematic Analysis and Control of Industrial Dual Arm Robot(AUTOMAN)

  • 박찬훈 (한국기계연구원 로봇/지능기계연구실) ;
  • 유정민 (한국기계연구원 로봇/지능기계연구실) ;
  • 박경택 (한국기계연구원 로봇/지능기계연구실) ;
  • 이영진 ((주)오토파워)
  • Park, Chan-Hun (Department of Robotics & Intelligent Machinery, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ;
  • Yoo, Jung-Min (Department of Robotics & Intelligent Machinery, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ;
  • Park, Kyoung-Taik (Department of Robotics & Intelligent Machinery, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ;
  • Lee, Young-Jin (AUTOPOWER Co. Ltd)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.01




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