Prediction-based Dynamic Thread Pool System for Massively Multi-player Online Game Server

  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Online game servers usually has been using the static thread pool system. But this system is not fit for huge online game server because the overhead is always up-and-down. Therefore, in this paper, we suggest the new algorithm for huge online game server. This algorithm is based on the prediction-based dynamic thread pool system. But it was developed for web servers and every 0.1 seconds the system prediction the needed numbers of threads and determine the thread pool size. Some experimental results show that the check time of 0.4 seconds is the best one for online game server and if the number of worker threads do not excess or lack to the given threshold then we do not predict and keep the current state. Otherwise we apply the prediction algorithm and change the number of threads. Some experimental results shows that this proposed algorithm reduce the overhead massively and make the performance of huge online game server improved in comparison to the static thread pool system.



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