A Spatial Analysis Supporting System Based On CRM And Data Mining Technique

  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Recently, the importance of geoCRM (geographic Customer Relationship Management) systems are growing rapidly. So, result of the recognition that their applications extend well beyond the traditional CRM systems with the advent of ubiquitous environment and generalized location based services. A majority of traditional CRM systems are either incapable of managing spatial data or are not user-friendly when doing so. On the other hand, the geoCRM systems can be built as providing the geographic-based functions about CRM, including spatial and market analyses and the visualization of customer data, etc. However, it lacks the specific model and implementation of the geoCRM systems, being caused by the incomprehension of needs, the absence of related standards and the difficulties of development, and so on. In this paper, we develop a new spatial analysis supporting system that to enhance productivity through the convenient use and management of spatial data. The functionality provided by our system includes a set of analysis functions based on data mining techniques which allow a user to affect powerful transformation on spatial data. Particularly, both spatial data and non-spatial attributes can be efficiently handled as an object through our OODBMS.



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