협력적 공급사슬관리가 참여기업 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 : 공급사슬 내 역량이전의 관점에서

A Study on the Effects of Collaborative Supply Management on Buyer and Supplier Performance : From a View of Capabilities Transfer Throughout the Supply Chain

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


Managers have come to realized that a large and increasing amount of sources for a corporate competitive advantage can be found in their company's supply chain. At a fundamental level, there is a similar consensus that building a collaborative supply management is a more effective way of managing firms' supply chains. This paper is an attempt to examine the effects of collaborative supply management by probing a mechanism which shows how competences and/or performance are transferred from suppliers to markets through the supply chains. Research hypotheses regarding the relationships between collaborative supply management, supplier Performance, buyer internal performance (new product development and operational performance), and buyer market performance were empirically validated by utilizing a structural equation modeling analysis. The research result Indicates the positive impacts of a collaborative supply chain on supply performance as well as buyer internal and market performance, which also well illustrate how the improved competence and/or performance of suppliers engendered from the supplier-buyer collaboration flows throughout the entire supply chain.



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