계단 구조를 이용한 팔레트적재문제의 새로운 해법

A New Exact Algorithm Using the Stair Structure for the Pallet Loading Problem

  • 지영근 (포디엄시스템 기술연구소) ;
  • 진고환 (우송대학교 IT 경영정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


The pallet loading problem(PLP) requires the best orthogonal layout that loads the maximum number of identical boxes(small rectangle) onto a pallet(large rectangle). Since the high pallet utilization saves the distribution and storage costs, many heuristic and exact algorithms have been developed so far. Martins and Dell have found the optimal layouts for the all PLPs less than or equal to 100 boxes except for only 5 problems in their recent research. This paper defines the 'stair structure' and proposes a new exact algorithm applying it. In order to show the priority of the proposed algorithm, computational results are compared to previous algorithms and the optimal layouts for the S unsolved problems are given.



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