An Integration of Kano's Model and Exit-Voice Theory : A Case Study

  • Lee, Yu-Cheng (Graduate Institute of Technology Management Chung-Hua University) ;
  • Hu, Hsiu-Yuan (Department of Food Science Taipei College of Maritime Technology) ;
  • Yen, Tieh-Min (Graduate Institute of Technology Management Chung-Hua University) ;
  • Tsai, Chih-Hung (Department of Information Management Yuan-Pei University)
  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


The purpose of this study was to examine overall customer satisfaction associated with medical service quality in Taiwan by integrated Kano's model and customer satisfaction index model. Another purpose was to confirmed nonlinear and asymmetric relationship of Customer Satisfaction and Quality Performance by the research outcome. By analyzing 1,100 patients or their family members, this study used the structural equation model (SEM) with AMOS software for data analysis. The results show that must-be attributes, one-dimensional attributes and attractive attributes had a direct effect on overall customer satisfaction, Surprisingly, overall customer satisfaction had positively influenced customer loyalty customer satisfaction had negatively influenced customer complaints. The study also found that customer complaints have direct effect on customer loyalty. Importantly, the study found out the must-be attributes, the attractive attributes and one-dimensional attributes increased, the level of overall customer satisfaction also increased. The customer satisfaction positively influences customer loyalty in medical service quality in Taiwan. The findings might reveal new insights for researchers dealing with quality of medical service and for hospital managers who devote resources exclusively to achieving highest possible levels of patient satisfaction.



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