유가사상(儒家思想)에 바탕을 둔 한의학에서의 의료윤리

Medical Ethics based on Confucian Ideas in Eastern Medicine

  • 김근우 (동국대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과학교실)
  • Kim, Geun-Woo (Dept. of Neuropsychiatry, College of Medicine Dong-Guk University)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


Objectives : This study aimed for attain to ideal aspects in medical ethics-clinical medicine, through researching doctor's ethics based on Confucian ideas, Methods : Research materials are datum of Confucian ideas included eastern medical books and the Confucian old books, Stand on above-mentioned, I investigate indispensable ethical condition clinical doctor must have in diagnose and treat. Results and Conclusions : 1. Combination of people-oriented ideas-Confucian and applicative learning-Eastern Medicine, doctor's principle mind is initiated and Confucian physician is the center of that. 2. For practice morality and ethics using the Confucianist's good character, Eastern medical doctor read and acquire the Confucian books. 3. Eastern medical doctor make an effort for application a kind love ideas(perfect religious scholarship ideas of Confucian), serve parents and country as for practice and sublimate into a kind love ideas through practice of integrity and the self-sacrifice. 4. Occasion to examine the female patient, emphasize good manners by Confucian ideas's sexual distinction 5. According to the doctor-doctor ethics, partnership is important due to Confucian faith and good manners 6. Confucian physician often effected by the people around patient and the protector of patient and criticize positive influence by these kind of peoples(傍人) when diagnose and treat. 7. Owing to Confucian's a notion of preferring a son to a daughter(男兒選好思想), come out the methods of convert a son into a daughter(轉女爲男法)-manipulation of sex distinction. this method is criticized aspect of medical ethics.



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