광주광역시 탄소중립 수목원 설계

Design for Carbon Neutral Arboretum in Gwangju Metropolitan City

  • 투고 : 2009.06.15
  • 심사 : 2009.06.25
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Gwangju Metropolitan Government & Ministry of Environment have signed a model city in response to Climate Change agreement. The agreement calls for Gwangju to cut greenhouse gas emissions 10% below 2005 levels by 2015. Gwangju has seen this agreement as an opportunity to cut pollution and conserve the environment as well as to reinvigorate local economy. According to policy of Gwangju, Gwangju held design competition for Gwangju City Arboretum on march, 2009. The purpose of design competition was to give a wide publicity to Gwangju as Hub City of Asian Culture and construct carbon-neutral arboretum in accordance with the policy of 'Low-Carbon and Green Growth'. First of all, a design concept of arboretum is 'winding, round, overlay 'to reflect the landscape of Nam-do which is surrounded by mountains and river flows through the village. Second, the arboretum has five different places with these themes - Forest of Festivals, Health, Nature, Nostalgia, Education and Future. Each place has a symbolic theme park and different flow planning respectively. Third, the most critical point is that the arboretum is a carbon-neutral park. Gwangju arboretum will soon be developed in metropolitan sanitary landfill and constructed as the O2 arboretum based on low carbon strategy. Fourth, the O2 arboretum suggests specialized issue : 'Energy Saving', 'Recycling System', 'Green Network', 'Water System(rainwater maintenance and wetland development)'. Besides, main buildings(greenhouse, visitor center, Nam-do experience exhibition hall, and forest museum) is designed in consideration of harmony with topography character, surroundings. Also, planting will be a multilayer plant based on native landscape trees in consideration of function and the growth characteristics.



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