수도권 1기 신도시 고층고밀아파트 단지의 지속가능한 주거지 재생을 위한 과제

Sustainable Regeneration Strategies of High-Rise Apartment Estates of the Early 1990s' New Towns in the Capital Area

  • 투고 : 2009.06.03
  • 심사 : 2009.06.25
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


In Korea has been supplied a large quantities of apartments since 1970s. The deteriorated middle-rise apartments of 1970s' have been rebuilt. It isn't lucrative to reconstruct the high-rise Apartment estates of the early 1990s' new towns in the capital area. Therefore the sustainable regeneration strategies of them have to be found. This research have been focused on the social and economical changes based on demography and the turning of technology and paradigm, the cities competitiveness compared with 2nd era new towns, physical deterioration of themselves. In these aspects, high-rise apartment estates in the 1st new towns face to 10 challenges such as an aging society, a multicultural society, U-city, an environmentally-friendly situation, the cities competitiveness of social, conomical and physical environment, the declining of estates, buildings and units. This study analyzed problems of 1st new town apartment estates and suggested regeneration tasks in accordence with those problems. The tasks are as follows. To accommodate the 1st new town apartment estates to social changes, they need to have a variety of community facilities and units, an opportunity of esidents participation. to establish a self-sufficient economy, a community usiness has to be vitalized and an ecological environment, an infrastructure of u-city and an improvement of physical environment obtained.



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