우리나라의 「이동성 야생동물종의 보전에 관한 협약」 가입 여부에 대한 타당성 분석

Feasibility Study on the Ratification of 'Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals(CMS)' to Korea

  • 투고 : 2009.03.17
  • 심사 : 2009.04.23
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


The impact of Korea's joining the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals(CMS) was analyzed to examine its merits and faults as well as to discuss Korea's opportunities. Results of the analysis based on the agenda and decisions of the Conferences of the Parties, the parties performance, and other committees meetings over the last decades indicated that the affiliation of Korea into the CMS could provide various advantages and opportunities for Korea. First, Korea could upgrade its conservation activities regarding migratory species to the global aspects. Second, Korea could take initiatives for conservation of the migratory species in the Far East Asia. Third, Korea would have a better system in forecasting and problem-solving against the epidermic Avian Influenza through systematic cooperation with the CMS parties and other related international regimes. Finally, Korea will be in a better position to generate statistical data and to develop techniques to reduce the by-catches of the sharks and whales. Korea has already provided a fair and protective institutions for most of the migratory endangered species listed under Appendix I and II of the CMS. This implies that Korea may not require additional major changes to the basic acts and/or legislation. Joining the CMS may negatively impact on the fisheries and related businesses related to whales and sharks around the Ulsan and Pohang provinces. However, the obligation to protect whales and sharks demanded by the CMS is regarded as an acceptable article in Korea according to the analysis of the existing policies and scientific aspects. Nevertheless, if the joining the CMS should generate irreversible hardship for local people's livelihood and cultural aspects, Korea may ask for reservations on particular activities. Overall, we suggest that by joining the CMS, Korea could see various advantages and promotion in national policy.



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