- Volume 15 Issue 3
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- Pages.83-91
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- 2009
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- 1226-0207(pISSN)
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- 3058-2024(eISSN)
Study on Development of Export Packaging for Fresh Melon
신선 멜론의 수출포장개발에 관한 연구
- Lee, Myung-Hoon (Institute of Korea Packaging Systems) ;
- Jung, Jun-Jae (Institute of Korea Packaging Systems)
- Published : 2009.12.31
It is very difficult to export the fresh agricultural products to long distance countries such as USA and EU without any damage. Fresh products exporting would overcome very severe conditions such as hot and cold weather changes, heavy vibrations with rolling and pitching during the target distribution period, therefore, the packaging needs the immobility of products in the container and the keeping its quality by packaging materials or methods under any surrounding environments, especially. The physical strength of outer box should be designated according to its own characteristics for agricultural product packaging. Packaging dimension which would be fit to standard pallet is also very important factor to reduce the distribution cost. There have been many agricultural products researches for export packaging to the USA so far. However they have never got desirable results which enough to apply it in real. The main purpose of this research is to develop optimum compressive strength and optimum dimension of corrugated fiberboard box which would be used to USA export packaging of fresh melon as well as Japan.
미국과의 FTA 체결이 가시화되면서 우리 농산물에 대한 경쟁력과 농가의 소득증대를 위해 멜론수출사업이 시작되는 단계에서 장거리 운송에 상품성을 유지할 수 있는 수출 포장기술의 개발과 포장표준화에 의한 물류비 절감이 필요하다. 본 연구는 수출포장의 1단계라고 할 수 있는 적정포장 설계 부분, 즉 포장강도 및 치수규격 그리고 포장원가 관리 부분에 목적이 있다. 수출대상국인 미국과 일본의 국가표준 파렛트는 각각 T12형(