- Volume 15 Issue 3
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- Pages.77-81
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- 2009
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- 1226-0207(pISSN)
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- 3058-2024(eISSN)
Vibration Characteristics and Drop Impacts of Bear Glass Bottles During Truck Transit
트럭 운송시 맥주용 유리병의 진동 및 낙하 특성
Park, Su-Il
(Department of Packaging, Yonsei University) ;
Park, In-Sik
(Department of Packaging Design, Kyungbuk College of Science)
- Published : 2009.12.31
There has been an increasing demand on measurement of the vibration levels in commercial truck shipments, where all packaged products are exposed to some levels of random vibration and shock. In this study, bear glass bottles loaded at the front, middle, and rear positions of 11 tonne truck bed was shipped from Kwangju to Waegouan. Vertical direction vibration levels were analysed and matching laboratory random vibration test was performed using power spectral density (PSD) profiles derived from truck transit records. Also, the effects of drop hight on glass bottles were evaluated. As expected, the maximum vibration levels were recorded at the rear of truck bed. No breakage of bottles were observed during truck transit and laboratory random vibration testing set at 0.52
음료와 맥주 제품의 경우 신선도를 유지하기 목적으로 다양한 종류의 유리병이 국내에서 생산되거나 수입되어 유통되고 있다. 실제 트럭으로 국내 운송되는 맥주 유리병 제품의 유통환경에서 진동 특성을 분석하고 이를 바탕으로 트럭 불규칙 진동 특성인 0.52