- Volume 15 Issue 2
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- Pages.61-65
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- 2009
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- 1226-0207(pISSN)
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- 3058-2024(eISSN)
Determination of Plasticizers in the Gasket of Glass Bottle for Bulgogi Sauces
불고기 소스용 유리병 가스켓에서의 가소제 정량
- Lee, Jung-Pyo (Safe Chemicals Co., Ltd.) ;
Lee, Keun-Taik
(Department of Food Science, Kangnung-Wonju National University)
- Published : 2009.08.31
This study was conducted to investigate the safety status of gasket of glass bottle being used for the Bulgogi sauce. The content of plasticizers in the gasket and their migrated amounts into Bulgogi sauce were determined. Among the plasticizers analyzed, only di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP) was detected in the range between 30.6 and 35.9% from 6 samples. None of the plasticizers was detected in the sauce. Therefore, it can be concluded that the safety status of the gasket tested met the requirement of limit values as prescribed for the migration test of food packaging utensils, containers and packages of the Korea Food Code.
국내에서 불고기소스용 유리병을 수집하여 가스켓에 함유되어 있는 가소제 함량을 정량하고 소스로의 이행실험을 하였다. 가스켓에서의 가소제 함량은 DIDP만 34.6~35.9% 범위로 검출되었고, 소스에서의 가소제는 검출되지 않았다. 유럽연합과 국내외 관련 법규에서의 가소제 용출 기준을 감안할 때 조사된 모든 가스켓 시료들은 현행 기준 규격에 적합한 것으로 확인되었다.