마산시 소재 유아교육기관 교사의 식생활 교육 실태와 교육 요구도 분석

Analysis of Dietary Education Status and the Demand of Child Center Teachers in Masan

  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


This study was performed to develop dietary education programs for children, by researching the actual conditions of dietary education and its demand aimed at teachers in child centers in Masan. Most of the interviewed teachers were in their 20s(71%) with under 5 years teaching experiences(56.8%), and working in a kindergarten environment(34.9%). The rate of doing dietary education on mealtime was 96.4%. The main items taught pertained to 'not leaving food(20.6%)' and 'washing hands before meals(20.5%)'. The primary teaching method for students with unbalanced eating habits was 'eating after teaching them to understood(76.8%). The primary reward for good behavior was 'using food(76.8%)', usually as 'candy'(50.8%) or 'cookies'(25.8%). The desirable dietary education type was 'during spare moments(52.6%)' and 'at mealtime (23.5%)'. The concepts taught were 'balanced eating(23.2%)' and 'food hygiene(21.2%), and the students were interested in 'the roles of foods and nutrients'(34.5%), 'balanced eating(20.9%)', and 'food hygiene(19.1%)'. Educational activities encompassed 'pictures and drawing(25.7%)', 'fairy tales(23.4%)', 'songs(19.4%)', and 'play(14.1%)'. Also, the activities of most interest were 'fairy tales(29.4%)', 'play(24.4%)', and then 'songs(23.1%)'. The greatest difficulties during dietary education were 'attracting interest from the children(37.8%)' and 'making and purchasing materials(33.9%)'. Approximately, 44.2% of the teachers had experiences in dietary education, and 96.4% stated teachers had the intention to participate in dietary education. They want to address 'child meal direction(23.0%)', 'health problems(22.7%)', and then 'child nutrient requirements (17.3%)'. Also the majority wanted it two times per year(57.6%) or one time per year(30.9%). This study indicated that proper dietary education must be established in child centers by developing various practical dietary education programs and then implementing them.



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