Literature Investigation of Phragmites communis Trin.[蘆根] and Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii[茅根]

노근(蘆根)과 모근(茅根)에 대한 문헌고찰(文獻考察)

  • 조남경 (경희대학교 한의과대학 한의과대학원) ;
  • 김종덕 (사당한의원)
  • Published : 2009.08.31


1. Objective : The object of this thesis is to find the basis of Constitution assignment of Nogeun(蘆根, Phragmites communis Trin.) used to the medication for Taeyangin. Also, it is to recognize what kind of Constitution of Mogeun(茅根, Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii) is needed to be assigned to. 2. Methods "Dongyi Soose Bowon", 'SinchukBon', 'ChobonKwun', other related Sasang Constitutional Medicine(SCM) books, herbal medicine books such as "Boncho Kangmok", and etc. were compared and researched. 3. Results & Conclusions : 1) Nogeun(蘆根) lowers Qi and harmonizes the body. Because of the effect of lowering soar-Qi(氣), it used to treat the symptoms of Taeyangin's vomiting(噎膈反胃, Stomach reflux due to dysphagia-occlusion). Also Yuksoo Nogeun(逆水蘆恨, Reed growing near the river in low scream) is the basis of considering inhale-gathering Qi effect as a major indication of Nogeun. 2) The theory of classifying White Mogeun as a Tae-eumin Medicinal is based on the effect of Radiating while classifying White Mogeun as a Taeyangin Medicinal is based on the effect of treating stomach reflux(反胃). But both basis are not conclusive and thus requires further study. 3) In "Sasang Geumge Bibang", the first text ever to write only about separate medicinals and Classified Foods (食物類) of each constitution, there were examples of Nogeun and Mogeun's usage based on other pre-existing medical texts. 4) Because White Mogeun is classified as Tae-yangin medication in "Dongmu Yugo", but classified as a Taeeumin's medication in "Dongyi Soose Bowon" 'ChobonKwun' and "Sasang Geumge Bibang", there remains a controversy.



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