대기 (Atmosphere)
- 제19권1호
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- Pages.79-91
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- 2009
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- 1598-3560(pISSN)
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- 2288-3266(eISSN)
북반구 하부성층권 극기온의 경년변화와 수십년주기변화의 수치모의
A Numerical Simulation of the Interannual and Decadal Variations of the Northern Lower Stratospheric Polar Temperature
- Choi, Wookap (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University) ;
- Kim, Yujin (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University) ;
- Kim, Dongjoon (Korea Meteorological Administration)
- 투고 : 2008.12.16
- 심사 : 2009.03.18
- 발행 : 2009.03.01
Seoul National University General Circulation Model (SNUGCM) has been run for 100 years to obtain daily temperature and meridional velocity at the Northern lower stratosphere. The model results are compared with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. The polar temperature and the eddy heat flux from the model show that the model-produced climatology has well-known cold bias and weaker planetary wave activities. The model climatology also has a lag in the seasonal evolution. The relationship between the model-produced polar temperature and the eddy heat flux is investigated with respect to the interannual and decadal time scales. The interannual variation of the polar temperature is related with both total and stationary eddy heat flux in January and March, which is in agreement with observation. The model, however, does not reproduce the relationship between the decadal variation of the polar temperature and transient eddy heat flux, which is revealed in the observed data.