A Case Report of Congestive Heart Failure Treated with Acupotomy Therapy

심부전으로 인한 호흡곤란 환자에게 시행한 침도침 시술 1례 보고

  • Kim, Min-Jung (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Oriental Medicine Hospital, Daejeon University) ;
  • Hong, Kwon-Eui (Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Oriental Medicine Hospital, Daejeon University)
  • 김민정 (대전대학교 부속대전한방병원 침구과) ;
  • 홍권의 (대전대학교 부속대전한방병원 침구과)
  • Published : 2009.04.20


Objectives : The purpose of this report is to report the effect of acupotomy for patients with congestive heart failure. Methods: We treated 1 patient who has dyspnea due to congestive heart failure with acupotomy. To check the effect and satisfaction of acupotomy we used New York Heart Association class(NYHA class), Modified Borg Scalw Dyspnea Index(Borg Index), Baseline Dyspnea Index(BDI), Five-point Likert scale. Results : After 1 month of treatment, the patient felt much better in breathing, and had better score in NYHA class, Borg Index, BDI. Conclusions : This report demonstrates that acupotomy therapy has useful effect on congestive heart failure, but the more cases and researches are needed.



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