Effects of the Herbal-acupuncture with Epimedii Herba Extract on Osteoporosis in Ovariectomized ddY Mice

음양곽(淫羊藿) 약함(藥緘)이 난소적출 흰쥐의 골다공증에 미치는 영향

  • Kang, Min-Wan (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
  • Hong, Kwon-Eui (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
  • Kim, Young-Il (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
  • 강민완 (대전대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 홍권의 (대전대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 김영일 (대전대학교 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • Published : 2009.04.20


Objectives & Methods : The purpose of this study is to observe the effects of herbal-acupuncture with Epimedii Herba extract (EH-HA) at $KI_{10}$ (Eumgok) on osteoporosis in ovariectomized (OVX) ddY mice. We carried out several experimental items to analyze the changes in body weight, uterine weight, uterus index, tibial length, the ash bone weight, tibial BMD, serum ALP, serum osteocalcin, serum Ca, and the levels of Ca, P, Ca/P ratio in tibia, and we performed histological and histomorphological analysis as well. Results: 1. The tibial length and ash bone weight were insignificant, while BMD was significantly increased by in EH-HA in comparison with control group. 2. Serum ALP and serum osteocalcin were decreased and serum Ca was increased by in EH-HA in comparison with control group, But all were insignificant. 3. Ca and P level in tibia were significantly increased in EH-HA in comparison with control group, while Ca/P ratio was insignificant. 4. Osteoclast like cell in tibia was significantly decreased in EH-HA in comparison with control group. 5. In the histological study in tibia, TBV was significantly increased, TBT was insignificantly increased and GPL was significantly decreased in EH-HA in comparison with control group. Conclusions: These results suggest that EH-HA at $KI_{10}$ has a therapeutic effect on osteoporosis in OVX mice.



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