Peer Relations

또래 관계

  • Received : 2009.08.16
  • Accepted : 2009.11.11
  • Published : 2009.12.31


The main body of research literature on peer relations has focused on its effects on children's psychosocial and emotional development from preschool period to adolescence. Topics of the research generally consist of peer acceptance/rejection, friendships, and peer victimization. In the review of domestic and international research conducted since late 1990, research trends and issues are described in this paper. Findings suggest some measures in interventions, prevention, and policies in promoting positive peer relations. Some social skill trainings are needed for children to react appropriately in peer relations and get along with their peers. In addition, there is a need for differentiation of the intervention programs by participants' roles in bullying situations and gender of children. Moreover, a longitudinal research is required to enhance the understanding of developmental changes in peer relations.



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