청소년 초기 혼자 보내는 시간의 맥락적 특성과 발달적 잠재력 탐색

Contextual Characteristics and Developmental Functions of Time Spent Alone in Early Adolescence

  • 이미리 (한국체육대학교 스포츠청소년지도학)
  • Lee, Mee-Ry (Dept. of Youth Guidance & Sport Education, Korea National Sport University)
  • 투고 : 2009.04.30
  • 심사 : 2009.07.07
  • 발행 : 2009.08.31


This study investigated contextual characteristics and developmental functions of time spent alone in early adolescence. Participants were 107 6th grade elementary school students. The Experience Sampling Method was used to measure experiences of time spent alone. Findings were that : (1) 2.6% of an early adolescents' daily waking time was involuntarily spent alone and 14.8% was voluntarily spent alone. (2) Psychological states of voluntary time spent alone were more positive than those of involuntary time spent alone, and psychological states of voluntary time spent alone were not significantly different from those of time spent with family members or friends. (3) Experiences during voluntary time spent alone were related to adjustment, suggesting that time spent alone during early adolescence contributes to positive development.



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