자녀에 대한 꾸지람과 부모로부터의 꾸지람에 대한 이야기: 동성부모자녀간 내러티브탐구를 통하여

Narrative on Scolding of Children by Parents Through Analysis of Same Gender Parent/Child Relationship

  • 부정민 (탐라대학교 상담심리학과)
  • Boo, Jung-Min (Department of Counselling Psychology, Tamna University)
  • 발행 : 2009.11.01


The purpose of this research was to analyze scolding experiences of three parents with children of same gender. For this research, a narrative inquiry was used as the research method. The research results showed that scolding toward children and scolding from parents resembled each other while the experiences of the three parents regarding scolding were revealed as the following four larger themes and three smaller themes: mimicking the scolding of their parents (taking on the parental role toward the projected, internal self of the past, acceptance of familiarity, providing a safety fence to the children), transforming the scolding of their parents, projecting the unsolved task of parenting to children, beginning to transform and evolve scolding, and cautious practice within daily living. In the discussion, methods for transforming and evolving scolding based on experiences of the three parents regarding scolding were studied, while research on parents scolding children with differing genders and how positive experience such as praising, encouragement, and support, from parents reemerged within children are suggested.



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