Analysis of the Relationships among Preschoolers' Self-Perception,Peer Competence, and Giftedness

유아의 영재성과 또래유능성 및 자아지각과의 관계

  • Son, Ji-Hyang (Center for Gifted and Talented Education, Uiduk University) ;
  • Lee, Soon-Bok (Division of Early Childhood Education, Uiduk University)
  • 손지향 (위덕대학교 영재교육원) ;
  • 이순복 (위덕대학교 유아교육학부)
  • Published : 2009.06.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between preschoolers’ self-perception, peer competence and giftedness. The subjects in this study were 101 preschoolers between the ages of 4 and 5 who attended childcare centers and private kindergartens in Pohang city area. The major findings of this study were as follows: Firstly, there were significant negative correlation between cognitive ability variables of self-perception and aggressive and asocial variables of peer competence. Secondly, there were significant positive correlation between cognitive ability variables of self-perception and humor variables of giftedness. Furthermore there were significant positive correlation between mother acceptance variables of selfperception and logical thinking, task commitment and humor variables of giftedness. Finally, there were significant negative correlation between hyper-distractible variables of peer competence and independence variables of giftedness.



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