Increasing the SLAM performance by integrating the grid-topology based hybrid map and the adaptive control method

격자위상혼합지도방식과 적응제어 알고리즘을 이용한 SLAM 성능 향상

  • 김수현 (목원대 IT공학과, 국립암센터) ;
  • 양태규 (목원대 지능로봇공학과)
  • Published : 2009.08.01


The technique of simultaneous localization and mapping is the most important research topic in mobile robotics. In the process of building a map in its available memory, the robot memorizes environmental information on the plane of grid or topology. Several approaches about this technique have been presented so far, but most of them use mapping technique as either grid-based map or topology-based map. In this paper we propose a frame of solving the SLAM problem of linking map covering, map building, localizing, path finding and obstacle avoiding in an automatic way. Some algorithms integrating grid and topology map are considered and this make the SLAM performance faster and more stable. The proposed scheme uses an occupancy grid map in representing the environment and then formulate topological information in path finding by A${\ast}$ algorithm. The mapping process is shown and the shortest path is decided on grid based map. Then topological information such as direction, distance is calculated on simulator program then transmitted to robot hardware devices. The localization process and the dynamic obstacle avoidance can be accomplished by topological information on grid map. While mapping and moving, pose of the robot is adjusted for correct localization by implementing additional pixel based image layer and tracking some features. A laser range finer and electronic compass systems are implemented on the mobile robot and DC geared motor wheels are individually controlled by the adaptive PD control method. Simulations and experimental results show its performance and efficiency of the proposed scheme are increased.



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