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The Effect of Self-Controlled Knowledge of Result on Proprioception Learning in Knee Joint During Open and Closed Kinematic Chain Movement

  • 발행 : 2009.05.30


Purpose:The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of self-controlled knowledge of result (KR) versus the yoked KR on learning of knee joint proprioception. Methods:Forty volunteer subjects (20 men and 20 women) were randomly assigned to each four groups: 1) self-controlled KR in open kinematic chain, 2) yoked KR in open kinematic chain, 3) self controlled KR in close kinematic chain, and 4) yoked KR in close kinematic chain. The difference between the angle of position and reproduction angle was determined as a proprioception error and measured using an angle reproduction test. The subjects in self-controlled groups were provided with feedback whenever they requested it, whereas the subjects in yoked groups were not provided with feedback. The data were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA. Results:The proprioception errors in close kinematic chain groups decreased significantly compared with those in close kinematic chain groups(p<.05). The proprioception errors in the self-controlled group decreased significantly compared with those in yoked groups during acquisition and retention test(p<.05). Conclusion:Self-controlled knowledge of result during open kinematic chain movement is considered to be a good method on motor learning.



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