The Comparison of Plantar Foot Pressure in Normal Side of Normal People, Affected Side and Less Affected Side of Hemiplegic Patients During Stance Phase

보행 중 입각기 시 정상 성인과 편마비 환자의 환측과 건측의 족저압 분포 비교

  • Yoon, Hyang-Woon (Korea University Graduate School of Biomedical Science) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Yeol (Major in Physical Therapy, Graduate School, Daegu University) ;
  • Lee, Hyun-Min (Department of Physical Therapy, International University of Korea)
  • 윤향운 (고려대학교 사회체육대학원) ;
  • 이상열 (대구대학교 대학원 물리치료) ;
  • 이현민 (한국국제대학교 물리치료학과)
  • Published : 2009.05.30


Objects:The purpose of this study is to investigate the values of foot pressure of the stance phase during a gait cycle in hemiplegic gait. Method:42 patients who had a stroke and 42 healthy adults were evaluated by the RSscan system to analyze the stance phase of hemiplegic gait. The stance phase was evaluated as plantar foor pressure. Results:1) Foot plantar pressure of toe area, affected side and less affected side showed low distribution of the plantar foot pressure which is lower than plantar foot pressure of normal adults(p<0.05). 2) Foot plantar pressure of metatarsal area, showed significantly differences among hemiplesic patient's affected side and less affected side and distribution of plantar foot pressure of normal adults(p<0.05). 3) Foot plantar pressure of heel area, hemiplesic patients' affected side and less affected side showed lower distribution of the plantar foot pressure than plantar foot pressure of normal adults(p<0.05). Conclusion:The results of this study suggest that not only affected side but also less affected side in hemiplegic patients showed significantly differences in distribution of the plantar foot pressure of normal adults.



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