Analysis of the Factors Affecting to Youth Smoking Based on the Stage of Change

변화 단계이론에 근거한 중학생의 흡연관련요인 분석

  • Published : 2009.06.30


Purpose: This study was to analyse the factors affecting youth smoking, especially self-efficacy and perceived social norm, based on the stage of change. Methods: A self-reported survey was conducted during the period from the 21 st of April to the 17th of May, 2008. Data were collected from 10,707 students of 12 middle schools in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Incheon. The data were analysed with SPSS/WIN 15.0. Results: The smoking possibility was 2.18 times higher in the male students than in female students, and 1.76 times higher in 8th-grade students and 2.48 times higher in 9th-grade students than in 7th-grade ones. Smoking possibility increased when students had more experience in alcohol, more friends who smoke, or worse relationship with their parents. Also this study showed that high-level self-efficacy and perceived social norm were acting as inhibiting factors of smoking. Conclusion: To reduce the youth's smoking rate, smoking prevention programs should provide educational chances to learn knowledge and skills on how to reject smoking temptation. Also, someone significant like parents should make it clear to the youth that they do not want their children to smoke.



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