Review of Stormwater Quality, Quantity and Treatment Methods Part 1: Stormwater Quantity Modelling

  • Aryal, Rupak (Faculty of Engineering, University of Technology Sydney (UTS)) ;
  • Kandasamy, J. (Faculty of Engineering, University of Technology Sydney (UTS)) ;
  • Vigneswaran, S. (Faculty of Engineering, University of Technology Sydney (UTS)) ;
  • Naidu, R. (CRC CARE, University of South Australia) ;
  • Lee, S.H. (School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


A review of stormwater quantity and quality in the urban environment is presented. The review is presented in three parts. The first part reviews the mathematical methods for stormwater quantity and has been undertaken by examining a number of stormwater models that are in current use. The important feature of models, their applications, and management has been discussed. Different types of stormwater management models are presented in the literatures. Generally, all the models are simplified as conceptual or empirical depending on whether the model is based on physical laws or not. In both cases if any of the variables in the model are regarded as random variables having a probability distribution, then the model is stochastic model. Otherwise the model is deterministic (based on process descriptions). The analytical techniques are presented in this paper.



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