결정학적 방위에 의존하는 $Ni_3Al$ 단결정의 변형거동에 관한 연구

A Study on the Deformation Behaviors of $Ni_3Al$ Single Crystals Depending on Crystallographic Orientations

  • 한창석 (호서대학교 국방과학기술학과) ;
  • 천창환 (호서대학교 국방과학기술학과) ;
  • 한승오 (호서대학교 융합기술연구소)
  • Han, Chang-Suk (Dept. of Defense Science & Technology, Hoseo University) ;
  • Chun, Chang-Hwan (Dept. of Defense Science & Technology, Hoseo University) ;
  • Han, Seung-Oh (Institute of Fusion Technology, Hoseo University)
  • 발행 : 2009.05.30


An investigation of the deformation behavior of ${\gamma}'-Ni_3Al$ single crystals containing fine dispersion of disordered ${\gamma}$ particles was performed for several different crystal orientations. Deformation structures were observed by the weak-beam method of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) for (111) [$\bar{1}$01] slie. increases with increasing temperature in the temperature range where (111) slip operates. The CRSS for (111) [$\bar{1}$01] slip is dependent on crystal orientation in the corresponding temperature range. The temperature where the strenjlth reaches a maximum is dependent on crystal orientation; the higher the ratio of the Schmid factors of (010) [$\bar{1}$01] to that of (111) [$\bar{1}$01], the higher the peak temperature. The peak temperatures were increased by the precipitation of y particles for the samples of all orientations. Electron microscopy of deformation induced dislocation arrangements under peak temperature has revealed that most of dislocations are straight screw dislocations. The mobility of screw dislocations decreases with increasing temperature. Above the peak temperature, dislocations begin to cross slip from the (111) [$\bar{1}$01] slip system to the (010) [$\bar{1}$01] slip system, thus decreasing the strength.



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