Weighted Centroid Localization Algorithm Based on Mobile Anchor Node for Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Ma, Jun-Ling (Computer Information Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Lee, Jung-Hyun (Division of Computer Science and Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Rim, Kee-Wook (Division of Computer Science and Engineering, Sunmoon University) ;
  • Han, Seung-Jin (School of Information and Media in Kyungin Women's College)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Localization of nodes is a key technology for application of wireless sensor network. Having a GPS receiver on every sensor node is costly. In the past, several approaches, including range-based and range-free, have been proposed to calculate positions for randomly deployed sensor nodes. Most of them use some special nodes, called anchor nodes, which are assumed to know their own locations. Other sensors compute their locations based on the information provided by these anchor nodes. This paper uses a single mobile anchor node to move in the sensing field and broadcast its current position periodically. We provide a weighted centroid localization algorithm that uses coefficients, which are decided by the influence of mobile anchor node to unknown nodes, to prompt localization accuracy. We also suggest a criterion which is used to select mobile anchor node which involve in computing the position of nodes for improving localization accuracy. Weighted centroid localization algorithm is simple, and no communication is needed while locating. The localization accuracy of weighted centroid localization algorithm is better than maximum likelihood estimation which is used very often. It can be applied to many applications.



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