연어 frame 유래 근육을 이용한 연어 패티의 제조 및 특성

Preparation and Characterization of Salmon Patty using Muscle from Salmon Frame

  • 허민수 (경상대학교 식품영양학과/해양산업연구소) ;
  • 김진수 (경상대학교 해양식품생명과학부/해양산업연구소)
  • Heu, Min-Soo (Department of Food Science and Nutrition/Institute of Marine Industry, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Kim, Jin-Soo (Department of Seafood Science and Technology/Institute of Marine Industry, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


This study was conducted to prepare salmon patty using muscle separated from salmon frame (SPFM) and to investigate the food component characterization. When compared to salmon patty with fillet muscle (SPM), SPFM was lower in the moisture content, while it was higher in crude lipid content. However, no differences in the ash and protein contents between SPFM and SPM were found. Compared to SPM, the Hunter color value in cross section of cooked SPFM was higher in a and $\Delta$E values, while the color was lower in Land b values. Trichloroacetic acid soluble-N content of SPFM was 279 mg/100 g, which was insignificantly different (P>0.05) compared to those of SPM and commercial patty. The hardness of SPFM was 0.44 kg/$cm^2$, which was insignificantly different (P>0.05) compared to that of SPM, while was higher than that of commercial patty. The major fatty acids of SPFM were 16:0 (16.5%), 18:1n-9 (29.2%) and 18:2n-6 (26.1%). The 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3 were also detected in high composition. The total amino acid content of SPFM was 16.6 g/100 g, which was similar to that of SPM. However, the total amino acid of SPFM was 14% higher than that of commercial patty. From the results of the mineral content, SPFM was higher than that of SPM in Fe and Ca, while the K in SPFM was lower. According to the result of sensory evaluation on the color, flavor and taste, no significant differences in all sensory items between SPFM and SPM were found.



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