상호작용성 구성요인이 e-learning 사이트 수용의도에 미치는 영향

The Impact of Interactivity on user Acceptance of e-learning Site

  • 발행 : 2009.07.31


The purpose of this research is to identify the factors affecting user acceptance of e-learning site. To more precisely explain an individual's behavior of accepting e-learning site, Perceived Interactivity is divided into four components; User Control, Responsiveness, Personalization and Connectedness. This research investigates the causal relationship among four components and basic factors of TAM. This research uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to confirm the validity and analyzes the causal relationship of the suggested model. The results indicates strong support for the validity of proposed model with 54.8% of the variance in behavioral intention to e-learning site. The result finds that all the basic casuality of TAM are significant and most components of Perceived Interactivity are significant. However the path Connectedness to Perceived Ease of Use and User Control to Perceived Playfulness is not significant. Among components of Perceived Interactivity, Personalization is the strongest antecedent of TAM. Perceived Usefulness is the strongest antecedent of behavioral intention of e-learning site.



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