일본 나라시대 지배계층의 여자복식

The Women's Costume of the Ruling Class on Nara Period of Japan

  • Lee, Ja-Yeon (Fac. of Fashion Design & Industry, Silla University)
  • 투고 : 2009.07.20
  • 심사 : 2009.08.07
  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


The study aims to investigate women's clothes described in Gilsang-Cheonyeo-Sang in Nara period of Japan to gain a clear understanding of the clothes of the ruling class women at that time. Gilsang-Cheonyeo-Sang was made in Nara period of Japan when Japan sent envoys and students to Tang, a dynasty of China, to acquire advanced civilization. At that time, Japan also fostered a strong international culture through the exchanges with neighboring nations. With this inflow of continental culture, Japan was dramatically advanced politically, socially, and culturally. The analysis of the clothes of Gilsang-Cheonyeo-Sang showed that she had her hair decorated with Bogye. She wore Ungyeon, Baeja, Daesui, and Tongsui as for her upper garment and Gun, Seub, and Peseul as for her lower garment. She also wore Bidae and Youngeon and put on Geummal and Seok on her feet. Overall, these results suggested that she wore Chinese style clothes. The clothes of Gilsang-Cheonyeo-Sangwere very similar to formal dresses of high class women described in Yangroryeong. Some of her clothes were not shown in Yangroryeong because those clothes were added after Yangroryeong. Another reason may be due to the fact that generalized clothes could be worn even though those clothes were not described in the dress code. In conclusion, the clothes described in Gilsang-Cheonyeo-Sang suggest that they were based on the dress code of Nara Period of Japan while there were also some variations due to the cultural circumstances at that time.



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