소비자의 건강염려, 건강지향적인 식습관 및 태도, 식품선택 동기가 유기식품의 구매의도에 미치는 영향

Consumers' Purchasing Intentions of Organic Foods in relation to the Perceived Health Concerns, Healthy Eating Practices and Attitudes, and Food Choice Motives

  • Cha, Myeong-Hwa (Department of Home Economics Education, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Kim, Yoo-Kyeong (Department of Home Economics Education, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


This study investigated the correlations of five constructs - health concerns, healthy eating practices and attitudes, food choice motives, attitudes toward organic foods - in the formation of behavioral to the purchasing intentions of organic foods. An instrument encompassing health perception, attitudes, habits and personal traits was developed through the comprehensive reviews of the literature and the assured validity and internal reliability of the contents. The questionnaire was administered to the students of three universities at Daegu, Kyungpook province. A total of 288 questionnaires were collected for a response rate of 96.0%. The correlations of five constructs and purchasing intention were tested simultaneously using structural equation modeling. Healthy eating practices and attitudes toward organic foods were found to be the determinants which directly influence the intention to purchase organic foods. Health concerns didn't show direct relation to the purchasing intention of organic foods. The hypothesized path from the health concerns to the purchasing intentions was not supported. The results indicated that food choice motives and healthy eating attitudes should be managed to achieve higher behavioral intention to purchase organic foods.



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