개인적 특성과 점진적 혁신, 서비스 품질과의 관계 및 조직문화의 조절효과 : 서비스기업을 중심으로

Modulating Effect of Orgnizational Culture on the Relationship between Personality and Incremental Innovation, and the Relationship between Incremental Innovation and Service Quality

  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


This paper is to test the modulating effect of organizational culture on the relationship between personality and incremental innovation, and study of the relationship between incremental innovation and service Quality in service industry. Based on 507 data gathered in service companies in Korea, analysis results and showed that procedural, interactional, and innovative culture have affirmative relation with incremental innovation. Therefore innovative culture appeared to have some modulating effect on the relationship between personality and incremental innovation. And ana-lysis results of relationship between incremental innovation and service quality are followed; service innovation and process innovations showed positive effects except some operation innovations.



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