무선 광파이버 네트웍(RoF)을 위한 APD 광전 믹싱검파의 주파수 특성

Frquency Characteristics of Electronic Mixing Optical Detection using APD for Radio over Fiber Network

  • 발행 : 2009.07.01


An analysis is presented for super-high-speed optical demodulation by an avalanche photodiode(APD) with electric mixing. A normalized gain is defined to evaluate the performance of the optical mixing detection. Unlike previous work, we include the effect of the nonlinear variation of the APD capacitance with bias voltage as well as the effect of parasitic and amplifier input capacitance. As a results, the normalized gain is dependent on the signal frequency and the frequency difference between the signal and the local oscillator frequency. However, the current through the equivalent resistance of the APD is almost independent of signal frequency. The mixing output is mainly attributed to the nonlinearity of the multiplication factor. We show also that there is an optimal local oscillator voltage at which the normalized gain is maximized for a given avalanche photodiode.



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