자동 재폐로기의 동작책무를 위한 아크전압 판정 및 사고거리 표정 알고리즘

A Numerical Algorithm for Fault Location Estimation and Arc Faults Detection for Auto-Reclosure

  • 김병만 (전북대 대학원 전기공학과) ;
  • 채명석 (군장대 전기전자과) ;
  • 정태영 (전북대 대학원 전기공학과) ;
  • 강용철 (전북대 대학원 전기공학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.07.01


This paper presents a new numerical algorithm for fault discrimination and fault location estimation when occur to arcing ground and arcing line to line on transmission lines. The object of this paper is developed from new numerical algorithm to calculate the fault distance and simultaneously to make a distinction between transient and permanent faults. so the first of object for propose algorithm would be distinguish the permanent from the transient faults. This arcing fault discrimination algorithm is used if calculated value of arc voltage amplitude is greater than product of arc voltage gradient and the length of the arc path, which is equal or greater than the flashover length of a suspension insulator string[1-3]. Also, each algorithm is separated from short distance and long distance. This is difference to with/without capacitance between short to long distance. To test the validity of the proposed algorithms, the results of algorithm testing through various computer simulations are given. The test was simulated in EMTP/ATP simulator under a number of scenarios and calculate of algorithm was used to MATLAB.



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